niedziela, 16 sierpnia 2015

Czarny rynek 3

Czarny rynek 3

Prices of Computer Hackers and Online Fraud
AdWords $1,000 to drain competitors AdWords budget
Botnet – Canada $270 for 1,000 computers
Botnet – France $200 for 1,000 computers
Botnet – Russia $200 for 1,000 computers
Botnet – United Kingdom $240 for 1,000 computers
Botnet – United States $180 for 1,000 computers
Botnet – Worldwide $35 for 1,000 computers
Credit Card – Premium Card with Big Balance $250
Credit Card and Social Security Number $5
DDOS a Website $911,000 for gambling website
Doxing Someone $25 to $100
Email Addresses – Gmail $200 for 1,000
Email Addresses – Hotmail $12 for 1,000
Email Addresses – Yahoo $10 for 1,000
Facebook Likes $15 for 1,000
Facebook Spam $13 for page with 30,000 fans
Hacked Webcam of Boy $0.01
Hacked Webcam of Girl $1
Hacking Classes $75
Online Bank Account – EU4 – 6% of account balance
Online Bank Account – USA 2% of account balance
Online Extortion $50 to $15,000 in Sextortion Blackmail
Online Funds to CashCommission between 9% to 40% of Amount
Online Game Hackers $16,000 per month in China
PayPal Account 6 to 20% of account balance
Remote Administration Tool $40 for Blackshades
Stolen Health Insurance Information $1,200 to $1,300
Twitter Followers $15 for 10,000 Fake Followers
Website Traffic $1 for 1,000 fake visitors

Cost to Hire a Hitman
Argentina $3,749 to $5,555
Australia $13,610 to $83,000
BoliviaBetween $4,000 to $15,000
ColombiaBase Salary of $600: $2,000 to $4,000 per hit
France – Monaco $330,000
India – Mumbai Between $35 to $900
Italy – Mafia Hitman $3,700 for kneecapping, $27,000 for hit
Mexico – Ciudad Juarez $85 to Minors
Mexico – Police Chief $20,832 to target Police Chief
Mexico – Sinaloa $35
Mexico – Teenage Boys $10,00 to $50,000 per killing
Mexico – Teenage Girls $1,000 for 2-Week Salary to 16 year old girl
Philippines Death Squad $110 per hit
Spain $27 to $69,000
United States and United KingdomFew hundred to $25,000
United States Soldier $5,000 by Juarez Drug Cartel
United States Soldier – Group of Snipers $800,000 for group of 3

Exotic Animals
Abalone $52 per kilogram
African Grey Parrot $2,000
Arowana Fish $20,000
Australian Lizard $7,500
Baby Elephant in Thailand $7,000
Bear – Complete $4,500 in Taiwan
Bear Bile $200,000 per pound
Bear Paws $50 for set of 4
Black Cockatoo $31,000 in Australia
Butterfly (Queen Alexandra) $8,195
Chimpanzee (Live) $50
Clouded Leopard $5,700 in China
Dog Meat $29 in Vietnam
Elephant $28,200
Elephant Tusk $1,800 in Vietnam
Frog Legs $11 for a dozen pairs in France
Geckos from New Zealand $1,300 in Europe
Geckos in the Philippines $2,300
Gila Monster $1,500
Gorillas $400,000
Iguanas $10,600
Ivory $850 per kilo in Asia
Ivory with Carvings $3,000 per kilo
Komodo Dragon $30,000
Leopard $5,000
Leopard Tortoise $403
Monkey in Europe $123
Monkey in Thailand $55
Orangutan $45,000
Owl $250 in India
Pangolin $1,000
Pangolin – Meat $300 per kilogram
Pangolin – Scales $3,000 per kilogram
Panther $5,000
Ploughshare Tortoise $4,000
Polar Bear Skin $7,760 to $9,930
Puppies trafficked from Ireland $255 to $1,275 in the UK.
Rhino Horn Dagger $14,000
Rhino Horns $65,000 per kilogram
Rhino Horns (Crushed for medicine powder) $10 in Vietnam
Shark Fins $100 per kilogram
Sloths $30 in Colombia
Snake Venom $215,175 per liter
Snakes (Banded kraits) $2,190 in India
Snow Leopard Pelt $1,000 in Afghanistan
Spotted Salamander $103 on the Internet
Tiger (Dead) $5,000

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